upcoming Programs
Stay tuned for announcements of our upcoming Program Schedule!!!
at the historic Rec Hall in Kennicott
Our Summer Arts & Lectures Series promotes the arts and sciences as integral and necessary components of an educated and enlightened existence. The Rec Hall Summer Arts & Lecture Series facilitates creativity and inclusion in our local community by presenting relevant, unique, entertaining, and diverse events including performances, films, and lectures in the Kennicott Valley.
The Rec Hall Summer Arts & Lecture Series facilitates community events that inspire personal discovery, creativity, and intellectual inquiry that is both deep and wide
Most of our lectures and arts presentations are free to members and highlight the incredible talent housed in or drawn to this small mountain community. This series is presented in partnership with the National Park Service with events held at the historic Kennecott Recreation Hall, a facility that has historically brought our local community together. The WMC in partnership with the National Park Service are eager to continue this tradition that is now a century old.
Check out past SALS schedules here.
Lecture notices are also typically announced on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Like us to stay up to date on the latest scheduling news. If you are interested in giving a lecture at the Wrangell Mountains Center, please contact our Executive Director at jon@wrangells.org to submit a proposal.
Schedule: TBA
Email us at info@wrangells.org for the latest information on these and other Summer Arts & Lecture Series events
Irish Dance Class presented by Artist In Residence, Alexandra Williamson (2021)
Photo by Jeremy Pataky - Tall Tales
The Wrangell Mountains Center is supported in part by the Alaska State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Banner Photo: Nathaniel Wilder