2017 Workshops
June 16-20 - Abstraction of Place - An Art Quilt Workshop with Maria Shell: Explore the wilds of Alaska through the eyes of a stitcher. Students will capture the landscape of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park with their cameras and use their images to create beautiful abstractions of place.
Saturday, July 1 - McCarthy Photography Outing: Join photographers Luke McKinney and Paul Scannell to explore techniques used in digital photography with your own camera including the basic principles of photography and artistic composition. With the backdrop of the Wrangells, each participant will leave with beautiful images that support their personal improvement. The day will end with a digital processing demonstration, Q&A, and critique for anyone looking for feedback.
July 13-16 - Family Music Camp: At the McCarthy Family Music Camp, all family members get to enjoy learning and playing music with others, accompanied by the melodies of some of Alaska’s biggest glaciers and most inspiring mountain scenery. During our tune-filled, action-packed folk music camp, families will engage in multiple instructor-led group sessions and classes. Family members will have opportunities to play together, as well as with individualized peer sessions.
July 26-31 - The Wrangell Mountains Writing Workshop presents Riversong: The Wrangell Mountains Writing Workshop is pleased to partner with McCarthy River Tours & Outfitters to host a six-day, five-night adventure in the fabulous Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Together we will explore the ways wilderness can help inspire songs, stories, poems, and essays. Activities include an opening reading/performance and craft sessions in the comfort of the Wrangell Mountains Center’s facility in McCarthy, followed by three nights and four days of creative inquiry along the Kennicott, Nizina, Chitina, and Copper Rivers. Space is limited to nine student writers/songwriters.
August 1-4 - Youth Geology Camp: As a part of the Mountain Science for Youth programs, the WMC and the Wrangell Institute for Science & Environment (WISE) are teaming up to offer the second annual Youth Geology Camp. Kids will explore and learn on the banks of McCarthy Creek, the hillsides of Kennecott, and the surface of the Root Glacier.
August 18-20 - Mushrooms of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve: Explore the natural environment in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve from this unique perspective with mycologist Dr. Gary Laursen. In this 2.5 day course, we will collect, identify, prepare and/or preserve wild mushrooms of the Wrangells. We will cover information on Southcentral Alaska wild and/or edible mushrooms, their eco-physiological roles and associated laboratory activities directed toward their identification. Participants will gain experience using field guides and learn how making spore prints assists in mushroom identification. Participants will learn about myriad roles mushrooms play in Wrangell's vastly different environments and gain an appreciation for wild mushrooms and how they influence our lives.
Curious about workshops from past years? You can view previous workshops here.
““Alaska is one gigantic field seminar and the Wrangell Mountains Center has 13 million acres for its classroom. As much as I’ve tried to be attentive to my landscape, to its flora and fauna, I realize how much I don’t know. Thanks to programs at the WMC, artists, writers, and citizen-naturalists continue to be awed and inspired””