Making Place: Combining prints and words
Artists in residence, Tyler Thenikl and Sarah Gilman will lead a joint workshop on printing and illustrated poetry related to place. Participants may bring a dried sample of soil (about 1 cup) from a location of personal significance, whether it is from their home, their memories, travels, research, interests, etc. Tyler will help participants create abstract prints from these samples using soil chromatography, turning each into a visual representation of its original location, alluding to the qualities and composition of the soil through various colors, shapes, and patterns. While the quieter parts of that process play out, Sarah will lead participants in an exercise writing brief, vivid poems to be combined with their final prints to make mini, multi-modal portraits of the places they've selected. Print materials are limited, so for overflow participants, other art supplies will be available for illustrating the poems they write in the workshop.
Print making will be available to the first 10 participants. To register, please contact Sabrina at