Ways to Support the Wrangell Mountains Center

The Wrangell Mountains Center depends on our supporters and members to fulfill our mission, from financial donations to the amazing contributions of our volunteers.

Give to our Endowment Fund, through the Alaska Community Foundation

Scholarship Fund for the college Field Studies program


We are a member-supported nonprofit organization

Our members and donors, alongside businesses, state and federal agencies, and private foundations, enable our continued success and impact. We can't do this without you. Please join us in our efforts to connect people with wildlands through art, science, and education. Your donations are tax-deductible.

We especially appreciate sustained giving via monthly donations. Pick an amount that works for you, and by giving monthly you will make sure you continue to support a cause you care about, while we benefit from your sustained support.


Our Venmo handle is @wrangell-mountains


No matter what level you give at, our membership includes:

Non-cash Donations

  • To donate property, securities, or any other non-cash gift, please email info@wrangells.org

Field Studies Scholarship Fund

Other ways to give


Volunteer at the WMC

There’s something for every skill level and every schedule. Connect with others in the WMC family who share your values and your passion.


Pick, Click, Give to the Wrangell Mountain Center

We are part of the Permanent Fund Dividend Charitable Contributions Program. We are excited about the opportunity that it provides all Alaskans to give to their favorite nonprofit organizations. By giving through this program, you join others to become an important force in bettering our communities and our state. When you go online to sign up for your dividend, you will see the option to Pick.Click.Give.  Search for the Wrangell Mountains Center. Learn more about the program at www.pickclickgive.org. Thank you!


Fred Meyer Community Rewards

When you shop at Fred Meyer using your rewards card, Fred Meyer will donate to the Wrangell Mountains Center. Click here for instructions on how to add the Wrangell Mountains Center to your rewards card.


Fundraising Events

 Join us for one of our annual in-person fundraising events to help support our mission and re-connect with the Wrangells community. Currently in-person fundraising events have been suspended, due to physical distancing requirements and recommendations, so we are grateful for your online contributions as we adjust and adapt to new distancing requirements. See our Coronavirus Update Page for the latest on WMC events. Typical in-person events range from our “Tall Tales” storytelling contest, to the McCarthy marathon and half-marathon, to Spring/Fall special events in Anchorage. For a full schedule of this year’s events, click the link below.

 The Ed and Marion Doherty Scholarship Fund

The singular purpose of this Scholarship Fund is to provide an annual opportunity for a deserving but financially challenged student to attend the accredited college field studies program. Scholarship support is specifically aimed toward individuals who could not otherwise afford to participate.

The Fund was created in 2006 with a generous donation from Jim and Ann Johnston, whose son Tod participated in the college program in 1998 and reported “an awesome life and education experience.” The Fund has provided scholarships to over a dozen students since its inception.

The WMC currently partners with The Evergreen State College to offer this high-quality, accredited academic field program. Scholarship awards are determined by an independent WMC Scholarship Committee after rigorous review of applications.

The college field program remains a cornerstone of the Wrangell Mountains Center and is often described by participants as transformative and empowering.

Thank you for your support of the Ed and Marion Doherty Scholarship Fund